Ultimo dia en Morelia💁!
Hola, bueno esta publicación es de mi ultimo día completo en Morelia fuimos a desayunar al Panoli de nuevo porque cumplia años un amigo de mi papá y también compramos macarons, fuimos al museo natal de Morelos, fuimos al partido de mi hermano e hicimos una carne asada y al lado de ese parque había un lugar super bonito.
Hi, on this post I will show you my last full day in Morelia, we went to Panoli for breakfast again because one of my dad's friends was celebrating his birthday and we also bought macarons, we wento the natal museum of Morelos, we went to my brother's football game and we did a barbecue and at the side of that little park it was a gorgeous place.
Esta es la vestimenta que usaba cuando era cura. // This one is the clothing that he used when he was a church's pastor.
Todos los billetes en los que se ha usado la cara de Morelos. // All the money that they have used Morelo's face.
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